Liebster Award!

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Blogging has been such an amazing experience so far!  Every single day I am excited to sit down and type away my thoughts or share with you my experiences.  I also can’t believe this is my 40th post!  To commemorate this milestone, it so happened that the lovely & kind DressingUpWithD nominated me for the Liebstar award!  After doing some research, this award is mostly for newer bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  It’s meant to share/spread the word of favorite and interesting blogs that are new to the blogging world.  I couldn’t be happier to receive this award from D, she’s one of my closest blogger friends and this a reminder to me that there are so many other people around the world that share the same thoughts, views, hobbies, etc.  It makes me happy that my blog has allowed me to meet and interact with people all over the world.  Thank you, D, for nominating me! ❤  Please check out her blog – she has the best vintage outfits, takes amazing photos, and her makeup collection is to die for!

The Rules:
– Link back to the person that nominated you.
– Answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
– After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice.
– You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
– You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

Here are the answers to D’s questions:

1. How did you pick your blog name?

It is what I literally am!  I’m a very small lady that works in the lab all day 😛  

2. What made you start blogging?

I was getting really stressed out at work and needed an outlet.  I also used to blog a long time ago and loved it, so I wanted to get back into writing again and sharing my fashion/makeup/food finds.

3. Describe yourself in 3 words.

Quiet, loyal, silly 🙂

4. What is your favorite feature about yourself?

Physical: I would say my lips.  Non-physical: I always try to put others before myself.

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Clutter.  I despise cluttered areas and must de-clutter/clean them – it drives me insane!

6. Do you have a style icon?  Who is it?

I’ve always loved Rachel Bilson’s style – really casual and laid back, yet put together and feminine.

7. If you could travel back into time, what would you say to the 16 year old you?

Wash your face everyday! Take care of your skin! (haha)

8. What is a single quality you appreciate in people?

#1 quality I always appreciate and value is humbleness.  I don’t want to be around people who are egotistical and cocky.

9. What is your favorite book?

I’m currently reading A Song of Ice & Fire: Storm of Swords, and am loving the series as a literary piece.  But one of my all time favorites/classic is Pride & Prejudice.

10. What do you secretly love spending money on?

Ha! Any clothing item!  But if I really did an analysis of my closet…I really love boots, dresses, and coats.

My Nominees are…

  1. AmberMarie
  2. Milliemakeup
  3. Youthful Indecision
  4. Marielmakes
  5. Miss Becky Shea
  6. Madi Makeup Junkie
  7. Makeup By Chelsey
  8. A Little Something Shiny
  9. Short & Lovely
  10. Gertrude + Sly
  11. The Enchanted Mirror

Questions for my Nominees:

  1. What kind of music do you listen to?
  2. What is #1 on your travel list?
  3. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
  4. Do you have any pets?
  5. What qualities do people love about you?
  6. What are your favorite stores to shop at?
  7. Heels, flats, or sneakers?
  8. What fashion trend are you loving at the moment?
  9. What fashion trend are you hating at the moment?
  10. What’s your favorite dessert?
  11. What is the most used app on your phone?

Thank you again, D, for nominating me!  And to my nominees, please link back so I can see your answers!  I can’t wait to read them!  Happy blogging!

Until next time,

-PLR x

8 thoughts on “Liebster Award!

    angtmc said:
    June 25, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    You’re so sweet, Justine. Thanks so much for nominating me. 🙂 Darn it, I wish I could nominate you back! You’re absolutely adorable. Love your blog!

      Petite Lab Rat responded:
      June 26, 2014 at 8:39 am

      You are so welcome Tiffany! I can’t wait to see your post 🙂

    BeWithUs said:
    June 25, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    Congratulations and happy blogging! Cheers~ 😀

      Petite Lab Rat responded:
      June 26, 2014 at 8:39 am

      Thank you so much!! 🙂

        BeWithUs said:
        June 30, 2014 at 7:37 am

        You’re welcome, my friend!

        Happy Monday and Cheers!! 😀

    dressingupwithd said:
    July 1, 2014 at 11:10 am

    As usual, I love your your posts and kudos to this one!! 🙂 My god we have so much in common! I would tell my self to take care of my skin too!! hahah and I am a Jane Austen Fan and my absolute faves are Persuasions and Pride & Prejudice!

      Petite Lab Rat responded:
      July 1, 2014 at 11:51 am

      🙂 I know, isn’t it crazy? We even have the same lion’s mane hair 😛 So crazy you can meet people who are so alike across the world ❤

    […] again for the Liebster Award by the lovely batemanjess!  Since I already have a post on my original Liebster award, I just wanted to give a shoutout to batemanjess for nominating me!! 🙂  I also think it’s […]

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